Some people seem to have a natural ability to speak so that others want to listen and to interact confidently with peers and those in more elevated positions.
But for most of us, it is not so easy to read a situation, to interpret people’s behaviour or to engage, interest and influence others. Informal encounters, formal meetings, networking events and interviews can all be daunting and frustrating.
Fortunately, we can learn how to gain confidence, develop vocal and physical presence and make our mark on others. What we say matters, of course, but so does how we say it.
If our communication style is inadequate, our message is unlikely to be remembered and may go unheard. To quote George Bernard Shaw, ‘The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.’
Personal Impact and Confident Networking generally covers the following interrelated topics, although participants are welcome to raise other relevant issues that concern them:

- Speaking about what you do in formal and informal situations
- Reading others’ behaviour
- Understanding body language, vocal tone and other signals
- Communicating assertively under pressure
- Developing confidence
- Networking at conferences and other events
- Contributing to meetings
- Influencing others
- Developing your natural communication style
Course participants are encouraged, through the practical and interactive nature of the course, to contribute their own insights, ask questions and raise individual concerns.
What our clients say
Six months after my last coaching session with Pete I am still applying what I learnt. Pete is a creative coach with an inspiring array of tools and experience to call upon when coaching clients. Our sessions were focussed, creative and challenging, helping me to target those areas of my professional life I want to develop further.
On the day of the interview I was barely nervous (which is very unusual for me), very confident and performed very well…in fact I would say ended up enjoying it. They have awarded me a fellowship, so it must have worked!
We were all given very constructive feedback by our VOX coach, and got the chance to perfect our presentation skills in front of an honest audience. It was a great opportunity to make mistakes in a friendly environment.