University courses

Engage Your Public

As our careers in academia develop, we have to speak to an ever-wider range of audiences.

Whether it’s a lecture, conference, meeting or open day, the variety can be deeply satisfying, but it also poses challenges. Audiences can rapidly form lasting opinions about a speaker’s qualities. Even those with extensive experience can find such events daunting.

This session looks at practical approaches to varying communication style and content to suit a range of non-specialist audiences – from an industrial partner to a Government Minister, intelligent layperson or colleague from another discipline. It will enable you to speak with confidence, authority and impact about research and areas of expertise, and to find a style of delivery that is clear and authentic. We will explore ways to achieve physical and vocal presence, connect with people in a variety of contexts and handle difficult questions with aplomb.

Some of the major topics addressed are likely to be:

  • Speaking about what you do in formal and informal contexts
  • Convey complex information and challenging ideas with clarity
  • Avoid ‘dumbing down’ or patronising non-subject experts
  • Speak with confidence, authority and impact
  • Achieve physical and vocal presence
  • Understand the power of stories
  • Connect with people in a variety of contexts.

What our clients say


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