Business Courses
We run courses for business leaders, managers and teams. All courses can be delivered either online or in person. A selection of our most popular courses are listed below. At VOX, our specialism is designing tailored courses to suit our clients and course participants— so if you’ve got a specific need which you can’t see covered here, don’t hesitate to ask if we can help.
Speak for Yourself: Assertive Communication
Many people find aspects of the working environment intimidating. Communicating in meetings or with high-status individuals and dealing with sensitive situations are obvious examples. This course explores simple but effective ways of communicating clearly, honestly and assertively even in high-pressure circumstances.
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Authority, Influence and Leadership
Communication is the real work of leadership.’ So says the Dean of Harvard Business School. This course sharpens the communication skills that people in (or aspiring to) senior positions need if they are to speak and interact in ways that colleagues and clients find compelling.
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Building Great Teams
The best business outcomes tend to arise from the collective efforts of individuals who relate exceptionally well to one another. This course equips people with communication skills that promote positive team dynamics, improve cohesion and boost motivation.
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Confidence with Customers
Every interaction with customers has an impact on company reputation. This course helps to ensure that those interactions are constructive. It enables customer-facing staff to respond in an appropriate style – even when the customer is awkward and the pressure is on.
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Excelling in Media Interviews
Making sure you set the right tone for your business can be difficult when interacting with the media. How do you come through a tough radio or TV interview with your dignity and your organisation’s reputation intact? This course helps people perform confidently and credibly when the pressure is on.
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Stand and Deliver: Making Effective Presentations
Giving a presentation can be tough. As well as the challenge of managing nerves, there’s the need to connect immediately with the audience, hold their interest and convey a message with clarity and impact. This course turns competent presenters into outstanding ones.
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Managing Change
Change is ever-present in business, and it brings its own pressures and challenges. This course explores techniques for communicating a new vision convincingly and handling the difficult meetings and conversations that come with the implementation of change.
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Personal Impact and Confident Networking
Meetings, networking events, encounters with high-status colleagues and peers – they all test your communication skills. If those skills aren’t up to scratch, your message may be lost. This course helps people develop an authentic ‘presence’ and make a memorable impression.
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Bespoke courses available
At VOX, our specialism is designing tailored courses to suit your needs. Get in touch to see how we can help.
Discover moreWhat our clients say
… delivered with high energy, humour and great skill, providing constructive development in a supportive non critical environment. Not only was it immensely enjoyable, it was immensely useful and convinced even the most sceptical participant …
We were all given very constructive feedback by our VOX coach, and got the chance to perfect our presentation skills in front of an honest audience. It was a great opportunity to make mistakes in a friendly environment.
On the day of the interview I was barely nervous (which is very unusual for me), very confident and performed very well…in fact I would say ended up enjoying it. They have awarded me a fellowship, so it must have worked!
Our clients