Every team faces challenges in working together: different personalities, ages, roles and priorities; stresses within and between individuals; perhaps a suboptimal office environment. A team’s ability to cope with or surmount such challenges depends to a large extent on how well they communicate with one another.
VOX Coaching has broad experience of helping teams recognise problems and explore practical solutions – techniques that enable them to break out of negative behaviour patterns, interact constructively and discover fresh, collective motivation. The benefits are also apparent beyond the shared office setting, when team members are out pursuing individual work activities.
This course addresses a number of the key issues around effective communication in teams.
Through discussion, demonstration and illuminating, interactive exercises, the session will cover the following topics (although these can be adjusted if appropriate in the light of further discussion):

- Passive, aggressive and assertive behaviour
- Managing emotion
- Respecting difference
- The impact of tone
- How status works
- Active listening
- Building trust and rapport
- Confident communication
- Clarity and openness
- Maintaining positivity
What our clients say
Six months after my last coaching session with Pete I am still applying what I learnt. Pete is a creative coach with an inspiring array of tools and experience to call upon when coaching clients. Our sessions were focussed, creative and challenging, helping me to target those areas of my professional life I want to develop further.
On the day of the interview I was barely nervous (which is very unusual for me), very confident and performed very well…in fact I would say ended up enjoying it. They have awarded me a fellowship, so it must have worked!
We were all given very constructive feedback by our VOX coach, and got the chance to perfect our presentation skills in front of an honest audience. It was a great opportunity to make mistakes in a friendly environment.