Communicating brilliantly is what distinguishes a leader – or a potential one – who can take people with them from one who relies on positional authority.
It is how a talented professional handles the tough conversations that come with difficult projects and constant change. It is what marks out a team that excels from one that gets by. It is how negotiations are conducted successfully and new business won. It is the key to building strong relationships with all manner of stakeholders.
The people who do best in senior roles are those who carry their authority well. They command loyalty and respect and they are listened to by everyone. They are also good listeners. They build the kind of working relationships that sustain the collegial culture exhibited by the best firms.

The interrelated topics dealt with on the course can include:
- Developing confident and authentic styles of leadership
- Personal vs positional authority
- Understanding status and the dynamics of hierarchies
- Reading others’ behaviour
- Nurturing productive working relationships
- Building effective and resilient teams
- Managing performance successfully
- Mastering difficult situations and challenging behaviours
- The course can be followed up if required with one-to-one coaching for people in, or destined for, the highest positions.
What our clients say
Six months after my last coaching session with Pete I am still applying what I learnt. Pete is a creative coach with an inspiring array of tools and experience to call upon when coaching clients. Our sessions were focussed, creative and challenging, helping me to target those areas of my professional life I want to develop further.
On the day of the interview I was barely nervous (which is very unusual for me), very confident and performed very well…in fact I would say ended up enjoying it. They have awarded me a fellowship, so it must have worked!
We were all given very constructive feedback by our VOX coach, and got the chance to perfect our presentation skills in front of an honest audience. It was a great opportunity to make mistakes in a friendly environment.