Case studies

Turning to a Trusted Adviser

A senior academic had a range of important communication challenges over the years, including bidding for multimillion-pound grants, giving high-profile media interviews and speaking at international gatherings. VOX supported them at every turn.


A senior academic was acutely aware that they needed to perform exceptionally well in a forthcoming interview for a multimillion-pound research grant. They knew their subject as well as anyone else on the planet and were an accomplished speaker. Nevertheless, they felt they could boost their chances of securing the grant by further developing their communication skills.

In subsequent years, as their research progressed, they found themself increasingly in demand: their university wanted them to appear on camera for its website and social media; a radio station was keen to interview them; the organisers of a briefing for national science journalists asked them to give a presentation; a highly prestigious global forum invited them to speak. On each occasion, they wanted to make sure their communication skills were up to the task.

The same was true when it came to bidding for national funding for the training of PhD students. There was stiff competition, but they were determined to beat it.


The academic initially turned to VOX when they were facing a vital research grant interview. They did so again as other personal Everests came along. Their coach rapidly became a trusted adviser, creating a safe space in which to explore both general communication needs and the specific challenges that lay ahead.

Taken as a whole, the coaching to date has focused on such topics as:

  • Speaking with clarity and authority under pressure
  • Making effective appearances on screen
  • Connecting with lay audiences without dumbing down
  • Structuring content effectively
  • Presenting with clarity and authority
  • Responding convincingly to questions from a panel


The academic was already a strong communicator when they first approached VOX. But they recognised that it would still benefit them to collaborate with an expert in face-to-face communication – just as Roger Federer retains a tennis coach even though he’s long been at the top of his game.

There’s no way of knowing how the academic would have fared without VOX’s input, but we think we played a part in their success in each of the challenges they’ve faced and overcome. They think so, too. We look forward to providing further support as their career continues its upward trajectory.

What our clients say

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