Business courses

Confidence with Customers

Every interaction with a client has an impact on your company’s reputation.

The success of that interaction depends, of course, on the excellence of the consultancy being provided, but it also depends on the quality of the communication that takes place. And the quality of the communication depends not only on what is said but also on how it is said.

This course, run by VOX Coaching, will help you develop or sharpen the skills you need for success. It will enable client-facing staff to succeed consistently as service providers, advisers and ambassadors by helping them to:

  • Attain physical and vocal presence
  • Increase personal impact
  • Achieve greater clarity of message
  •  Understand status and power relations
  •  Assert themselves constructively
  •  Listen more actively
  •  Establish empathy and build rapport
  •  Negotiate effectively
  •  Handle difficult behaviours and/or manage expectations

What our clients say


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